Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Skellington Hat

Learning to crochet kept me out of jail. The summer I got divorced, instead of choking the life out of my soon-to-be ex with my bare hands, I taught myself how to crochet snowflakes. Alot of freakin' snowflakes. I had about 100 of them by Christmas, and passed them out to everyone whether they wanted them or not. After that, I put down the hook and didn't pick it up again until this summer.
I know what you're thinking. And the answer is NO! I didn't start hooking again to prevent committing a felony this time. (How funny is that sentence if you take it out of context?!) Actually I had tried my hand at tatting, and gave up when I realized I was much better at crochet.
Nowadays, every time I sit down I find myself working on something. I've made everything from jewelry to scarves. I've learned everything I needed to know from the magic of the internet, and hope to provide links to the things I found most useful.
Many of the things I've come up with are my own creations. I haven't tried writing a pattern yet. If I did it would probably go something like this:

1. Form magic circle
2. SC a bunch of times in circle
3. Keep going around until you realize what you're trying to do looks lopsided.
4. Rip out more than half your work
5. Yell at dog when he grabs the end of your yarn and runs around the room with it.
6. Clean up mess.
7. Form magic circle
8. Repeat 1 - 7

Eventually, I get things to work out. But today in particular was a huge TRIUMPH! My 16 yr old son wanted me to hurry up and finish the Jack Skellington hat I was working on so he could wear it to school IN FRONT OF HIS FRIENDS! OMG!
I want to give credit to April Draven for her Mario Hat pattern. I used the basic pattern from that, except I made up a Skellington face for the chart. You should check out her blog. She's got lots of cool stuff and a couple of tutorials that are really helpful!
Now that it's done, I have to find another project to start. My ex hasn't paid child support this month, and the voices in my head are starting to murmur about duct tape and the dimensions of the trunk of my car.

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